Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Arevalo, Gabriela | Operations & Maintenance | gabrielaarevalo@zlmmc8.com | |
Armas, Maxi | Social Science | maxiarmas@zlmmc8.com | 3638 |
Arnquist, Carol | Science | carolarnquist@zlmmc8.com | 6387 |
Arshad, Tayyab | Academic Success Center | tayyabarshad@zlmmc8.com | 3609 |
Artola, Sonia | Enrollment Services | soniaartola@zlmmc8.com | 3728 |
Arvans, David | Continuing Education | davidarvans@zlmmc8.com | |
Asani, Nicole | Library | nicoleasani@zlmmc8.com | |
Ash Cianciolo, Heather | College Readiness | heathercianciolo@zlmmc8.com | |
Aslam, Yaser | Nuclear Medicine | yaseraslam@zlmmc8.com | |
Atiba, Afri | Behavioral Science | afriatiba@zlmmc8.com | |
Augustine, John | Criminal Justice | johnaugustine@zlmmc8.com | 3323 |
Austin, Sommer | Visual Communication/Graphics | sommeraustin@zlmmc8.com | |
Avelar, Leticia | Operations & Maintenance | leticiaavelar@zlmmc8.com | |
Avelar, Miguel | Operations & Maintenance | miguelavelar@zlmmc8.com | 3210 |
Axen, Rebecca | Assessment Services | rebeccaaxen@zlmmc8.com | |
Backe, Carol | Continuing Education | carolbacke@zlmmc8.com | |
Badame, Michael | Continuing Education | michaelbadame@zlmmc8.com | |
Baffa, Erica | Admissions & Records | ericabaffa@zlmmc8.com | 3130 |
Bagby, Timothy | Shipping and Receiving | timbagby@zlmmc8.com | 3410 |
Bagovska, Kina | Continuing Education | kbagovsk@zlmmc8.com | |
Bahena, Yvette | Advising | yvettebahena@zlmmc8.com | 3034 |
Bahena, Maricela | Human Resources | maricelabahena@zlmmc8.com | 3486 |
Bahl, Emily | Continuing Education | emilybahl@zlmmc8.com | |
Bajner, Donald | Architecture | donaldbajner@zlmmc8.com | 6702 |
Baker, J | Science | jbaker@zlmmc8.com | 3304 |
Baker, Sandra | Continuing Education | sandrabaker@zlmmc8.com | |
Baker, Melissa | Academic Success Center | melissabaker@zlmmc8.com | 3341 |
Baker, Megan | Continuing Education | meganbaker@zlmmc8.com | |
Baliga, John | Math | johnbaliga@zlmmc8.com | |
Ballas, Hannah | Research | hannahballas@zlmmc8.com | 3515 |
Baness King, Deborah | Academic Success Center | debbiebanessking@zlmmc8.com | 3414 |
Banks, Lasondra | Business | lasondrabanks@zlmmc8.com | |
Baran, Wayne | Chemistry | waynebaran@zlmmc8.com | |
Barnes, Margaret | Operations & Maintenance | margaretbarnes@zlmmc8.com | 3352 |
Barnes, Martrell | Operations & Maintenance | martrellbarnes@zlmmc8.com | |
Barnes, Lauren | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | laurenbarnes@zlmmc8.com | 3482 |
Barnhart, Philo | Visual Communication/Graphics | philobarnhart@zlmmc8.com | |
Barrera, Luis | Academic Success Center | luisbarrera@zlmmc8.com | |
Barrera, Egla | Academic Success Center | eglagiotta@zlmmc8.com | |
Bartolomei, Sheila | Continuing Education | sheilabartolomei@zlmmc8.com | |
Basile, Claire | Academic Success Center | clairebasile@zlmmc8.com | 3697 |
Baskin, Corey | Student Life | coreybaskin@zlmmc8.com | 3092 |
Bear, Karen | Dual Credit | karenbear@zlmmc8.com | |
Becker, Daniel | Architecture | danielbecker@zlmmc8.com | |
Beener, Jonathan | Dual Credit | jonathanbeener@zlmmc8.com | |
Behnke, Eleanor | Hospitality Industry Administration | eleanorbehnke@zlmmc8.com | 3361 |
Belejec, Barbara | Continuing Education | barbarabelejec@zlmmc8.com | |
Belpedio, Kristina | Dual Credit | kristinabelpedio@zlmmc8.com | |
Beltran, Alexander | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | alexanderbeltran@zlmmc8.com | |
Benedict, Emily | Student Services | emilybenedict@zlmmc8.com | 3341 |